Graham Peters
Head of Class Action
Graham is a National Executive Adjuster within Crawford Forensic Accounting Services (CFAS), and also Head of Class Actions.
A Chartered Accountant, CPA and Chartered Loss Adjuster, Graham manages large and complex losses, including those that are disputed and/or litigated. He has extensive experience in managing the quantum aspects of large-scale class actions and providing expert witness advice in litigated matters.
Many of the claims CFAS handles involve working as part of a wider team with colleagues from other areas of Crawford, as well as in-house teams at clients' businesses. Graham routinely leads multi-discipline teams in dealing with major losses.
With more than 30 years in loss adjusting across Europe and Australasia, Graham brings a broad perspective to claims management. Depending on the matter, the Australian CFAS team is well equipped to work alongside CFAS and property colleagues around the globe.